Todd Barchok
Columbus, Ohiotodd at
Maintained and updated PHP/MySQL system that monitored CPU and memory usage for servers within the company, with a focus on the ease of use and readability for non-technical users.
Improved stability significantly, bringing the error rate down from every few weeks to every few months.
Worked on a team to create multiple websites using Angular and RingoJS, including message boards and an article content management system.
Collaborated with designers to convert Photoshop layouts to compliant HTML and CSS.
Worked in an Agile/Scrum environment, using JIRA for task assignment, and GIT for source control.
Designed and developed an iPad and Android Tablet website front end for one of Vertex System's main products, using Javascript and KnockoutJS.
Incorporated feedback from the users into the product.
Used JUnit for Test Driven Development.